Left without a mother at a young age, Evelyn White spent her childhood bouncing among the households of her extended family while her father pursued his army career. As a result, Evelyn vows to never marry a man in uniform. When Clyde Brixton-- a cadet at nearby West Point Academy-- enters her life for one blissful summer, she begins to wonder if this determined and talented young man can make her dearest dreams come true after all.
In her talented way, Elizabeth Camden does a beautiful job telling a fun love story against a fascinating historical backdrop in Summer of Dreams. A quick and entertaining read, the novella does what it is meant to: convince readers to pre-order Camden's next full-length novel From This Moment.
As the daughter of a Navy pilot who would forcefully swear to never even date anyone in the military... and is now marking my husband's tenth year as an Air Force pilot, much of this love story resonated with me on a personal level! Camden does an excellent job chronicling Evelyn's inner struggle to trust Clyde's ability to give her the home and family she has always longed for.
While I thoroughly enjoyed the novella, I desperately wish I had not read the included excerpt of From This Moment. In it, Camden reveals some disturbing news about Clyde and Evelyn's future that I desperately hope she addresses in the novel, even though Evelyn's cousin Romulus is the
Summer of Dreams is available for free on Amazon.