Having grown up as an orphan on the streets of London, Rosemary Gresham and her "family" of fellow orphans have become some of the best thieves in England. When the mysterious Mr. V offers her more money than she has ever had to investigate the loyalties of a reclusive gentleman of German descent, she embarks on an adventure that will change her life and the way she views the world around her.
Due to his stuttering speech and German heritage, Peter Holstein spends most of his days writing adventure novels under a pen name, rather than interacting with his neighbors. With Europe seemingly hurtling toward war, Holstein must find a way to prove to his neighbors, his friends, and his country that he is a trustworthy and loyal Englishman.
When Rosemary appears at Peter's door claiming to be a librarian willing to organize his mess of a library, he quickly agrees. Peter soon finds himself drawn to his new employee, despite her tendency to disrupt his quiet life, and the small untruths he frequently catches her telling. As she learns more and more about Peter, Rosemary similarly catches herself beginning to enjoy Peter's company, even though her family's future security depends on proving that he isn't a loyal British citizen. When they each discover the truth about each other, will their newly formed friendship have the opportunity to turn into something more?
Roseanna M. White takes readers back to the intriguing world of Edwardian England in
A Name Unknown. After finishing White's "Ladies of the Manor" series last year, I've been anxiously awaiting a new series, and was far from disappointed. Delving into the politics of pre-WWI was fascinating, wading through London's underbelly was thrilling, and exploring the county of Cornwall was truly lovely. White's addition of a bit of mystery amid the engaging love story and historical detail was also masterfully done. I absolutely loved Rosemary and her colorful family, as well as Peter and his accompanying cast of Cornish characters. I couldn't put this one down, and look forward to more installments in this new series!
I received a free copy from the publisher. No review was required, and all opinions are my own.