In this second installment of her Hanger's Horsemen series, Karen Witemeyer uniquely tells the story of two couples: Mark Wallace and Katherine Palmer alongside Jonah Brooks and Eliza Southerland. Mark and Jonah, whom readers have met in the previous installment, run into Kate and Eliza while delivering a baby to the foundling home the women run. Will Mark and Kate-- who almost married one another back East years before-- gradually learn to trust again and communicate with one another? Will Eliza, who has never felt as if she belonged anywhere, learn to accept Jonah's attentions despite his own secrets?
Before reading The Heart's Charge, I was skeptical on two counts: that telling two love stories simultaneously would prove confusing, and that Witemeyer, despite good intentions, would struggle writing a story from two black characters' perspectives. Luckily, she proved me wrong on both counts. I actually enjoyed the double love story; it seemed to make the plot move more quickly, and there was no need to add pointless or frustrating obstacles for the characters to overcome before the "happily ever after." Similarly, I thought Witemeyer handled the race issue beautifully. She certainly didn't shy away from the struggles Eliza and Jonah had faced in society, history, culture, etc. While I enjoyed At Love's Command, the first Hanger's Horseman novel, I definitely prefer this second one!
I received a free copy from the publisher. No review, positive or otherwise, was required—all opinions are my own.