After the death of her con-man father, Lucinda Curtis finds herself attempting to gain respectability with her mother’s estranged family in West Point, New York. At the nearby military academy, Seth Westcott is simultaneously trying to shed his sterling reputation in an attempt to earn a lowly calvary assignment out west to rescue his penniless sister. Will either of them learn where true self-worth comes from, or that despite their complicated pasts, they make a perfect match?
With her typical giftedness in storytelling and character-development, Siri Mitchell captivates the reader in this entertaining and thought-provoking novel. The setting of West Point academy and the neighboring town of Buttermilk Falls is interestingly packed with fun historical tidbits. The antics of Seth’s academy friends who aid in his purposeful academic downfall were particularly entertaining.
Again, in her usual fashion, Mitchell tells an engaging story while also delving into much deeper subjects. What exactly makes someone “good” or respectable? Is following the letter of the law always right or just? Do we all present ourselves as more righteous than we actually are? As Lucinda and Seth answer these questions for themselves, Mitchell treats her readers to a lovely love story along the way.
For this reader, Flirtation Walk has easily become a new favorite from Mitchell, second only to She Walks in Beauty.
I received this book for free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
I received this book for free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
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