In the first installment of her newest series, The Secrets of the Isles, Roseanna M. White transports her readers to the fascinating history, culture, and geography of the Scilly Isles off the southwestern tip of England.
The Nature of a Lady's heroine, Lady Elizabeth "Libby" Sinclair, hasn't ever felt that she belongs among London's society and decides to spend an idyllic summer in the Isles with her maid. When she arrives at her cottage, however, she discovers its former occupant has mysteriously vanished. Libby and her maid, who hails from the Isles, join with the missing girl's brother, the dashing Oliver Tremayne, to find her. The team wade through ancient legends, treasure maps, and forbidding caves and castles as the search becomes more fascinating and dangerous. What will they discover about the nature of science, history, faith and love?
The Nature of a Lady is nothing short of White at her finest. I adored her Ladies of the Manor series (A Lady Unrivaled, The Reluctant Duchess, The Lost Heiress), liked her Shadows over England series, and tolerated her Codebreakers series, but if this first installment is any indication, I may soon have a new favorite. The characters were believable and dynamic, the plot was fast paced and full of adventure, and her overarching theme of finding the difficult balance between faith and science was compelling. I'll be anxiously awaiting the next novel and a return trip to the Scilly Isles!
I received a free copy from the publisher. No review was required, and all opinions are my own.