Castle of Refuge, the 2nd installment in Dickerson's newest series, tells the medieval love story of Audrey and Edwin. Audrey, the daughter of a viscount, flees her childhood home to escape her abusive sister and impending marriage to a man she does not love and finds herself at Dericott castle. The Lord of said castle, Edwin, is quickly intrigued by his mysterious and well-educated servant. Soon, the man whom her father intended Audrey to marry appears in Dericott looking for her, and the young couple must make important deacons regarding their futures. Can either of them learn trust another's love despite the emotional and physical scars from their pasts?
While Dickerson bills this as a retelling of "The Ugly Duckling," I didn't quite see the parallel. Despite this, and the fact that I had not read the first novel of this Dericott series, I enjoyed the story as much as I ever enjoy Dickerson's work. It was predictable, slightly shallow, and heavy-handed with the obvious character development, but an enjoyable way to spend an afternoon if you don't have to have to think too hard. If you've liked her many other medieval fairy tale retellings, you'll enjoy this one.
I received a free copy from the publisher. No review, positive or otherwise, was required—all opinions are my own.
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